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Month: February 2016

Why Use A Mortgage Broker? 2 Best Reasons

There are two reasons why hiring an independent mortgage lender is better than seeking financing through a bank. The employees at a borrowing firm know more about all of the

How Long Do You Have To Live In A USDA Home Before Renting?

Some individuals wonder why it is important to buy rather than rent a home. You might believe it is cheaper to pay back a landlord instead of a bank. There

Why It Is Important For Apartment Dwellers To Work With An Independent Mortgage Broker

What does a mortgage broker do? A mortgage broker is a licensed professional who acts as an intermediary between borrowers and lenders during the mortgage application process. They work with

What To Do To Get A Government Home Loan By Your Wedding Day

Lots of couples plan a marriage and look for an abode at the same time. When you are looking to start a life in the country, you might wonder if

Why Are Mortgages 30 Years Long in the United States?

It is important to understand why you can only get a thirty year mortgage from the government. You might have read about interest only and ARM plans. USDA loans and

How To Get A USDA Loan With Student Loans? (Guidelines)

The average college freshman wonders where he will live when he studies. If you will have a steady job and an excellent credit score, you might be able to apply

Grants To Help Disabled Persons Buy A Home: USDA Loans

If you have aquired a new disability due to an illness or injury, you do not need to depend on a friend or family member to house you. People who

USDA vs. FHA Loans: What’s the Difference Between The Mortgages

USDA and FHA loans offer borrowing terms for people who might find it hard to qualify for a conventional mortgage to buy a home. FHA and USDA loans are geared

Relocation Loans for Moving  – What Is It And How To Get It

What is a moving or relocation loan? A relocation loan, also known as a moving loan, is a type of personal loan designed to provide financial security during a move.